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Conveyor Consultant / Conveyor Consulting Firm


Conveyor Consultant /
Conveyor Consulting Firm

Engaging the services of an experienced conveyor consultant,
or conveyor consulting firm can save you a lot of time, and
help you make the best-possible decisions
based on your
production needs.  A qualified conveyor consulting firm can also
help you avoid costly, common problems, and plan efficiently for
future requirements.

The Pinnacle Engineering team has more than 25 years experience
in the specialized field of conveyor consulting.  Our focus is unit
handling, and our conveyor consultant group has  more experience
with more different types and brands of unit handling conveyors than
any firm in our industry.

As a leading conveyor consulting firm, Pinnacle’s mission is to
help manufacturers and Tier 1s identify the best and most efficient
conveyor system for a specific facility, process, and production rate.

Here are some common issues customers face:

  • When is the best choice an overhead system vs.
    an inverted design? 
  • How do product access, cleanliness, line speed, carrier spacing
    and unsold inventory impact the material handling selection? 
  • How can you determine where potential bottlenecks will occur,
    and prevent them?  
  • How can a decision regarding conveyors and conveyor
    lubrication, produce “green” benefits in terms of LEED
  • Given the recent rise in utility costs, when do automatic
    shut-offs make sense for continuous operation systems?
  • Since presentation to the conveyor is as important as 
    actually moving parts, what are the latest, best ideas for
    optimizing this part of the process?   
  • How can advanced material flow techniques be used to
    eliminate handling steps and cost from your planned or
    existing conveyor configuration?
  • Historically, the standard practice has been to over-size
    conveyors, and components.  With increased emphasis on
    power conservation and capital cost reductions, what can
    be done with current and new material handling systems?

Based on our more than a quarter century of experience with virtually
every type of unit handling conveyor, a Pinnacle conveyor consultant
can present alternative solutions to your problems, and help you work
through the pros and cons of each.  We can also help you weigh
initial cost and ROI as it relates to operational expenses and

A Pinnacle conveyor consultant is an excellent ally for identifying
solutions and evaluating them objectively.  And when the time
comes to present your idea to management, Pinnacle can provide
the visual tools, including detailed animation studies, that show
your ideas at work, in real-time.

Pinnacle Engineering’s deep-rooted foundation in conveyor systems
design and detail engineering, equipment installation supervision,
and facility start-up support make us uniquely qualified to help you
get the best value for your material handling dollar. 

Call a Pinnacle conveyor consultant now.  If the challenge
you face is within our realm of expertise, we’ll provide an
initial consultation by a highly experienced conveyor engineer, 
at no charge. Call Pinnacle today . . . 586-226-3300.


© copyright 2011 Pinnacle Engineering Inc. All rights reserved.

  Conveyor Consultant / Conveyor Consulting Firm
Conveyor Design
Consulting is a
Pinnacle Core

Association of Professional Material Handling Consultants
Pinnacle Engineering is
a member of the Association
of Professional Material
Handling Consultants,
a professional society of
the material handling industry,
affiliated with MHIA, which
advances the material handling profession through the
development of performance
standards, analysis and education
in the material handling field.